He is the size of a papaya!
How far along are you? 22 weeks
Total weight gain? 8 pounds
Sleep? We were out of town over the weekend, and I did not sleep very well in the hotel bed. I slept awesome once I was back in my bed, it felt SO nice!
How am I feeling? I still feel great! I swear, if I didn't know I was pregnant, I probably wouldn't know it. It's great!
Best moment this week? I am going to get Logan's baby book tomorrow so I can start filling it out.
Movement? He is definitely moving now. He is most active at night when I am laying down.
Bellybutton? It's still an innie, but it's stretching.
Food cravings? I just got back from the grocery store: frosted animal cookies, rice cakes, caesar salad pitas, and cereal. Random, I know!
What I am looking forward to? Feeling him move throughout the day, and his kicks getting harder.
Milestones? The baby is probably close to a pound and very thin but very developed. The eyelids and eyebrows are now formed, and the brain begins rapid growth. If your baby is a boy, his testes have begun their descent from the pelvis to the scrotum.
How far along are you? 22 weeks
Total weight gain? 8 pounds
Sleep? We were out of town over the weekend, and I did not sleep very well in the hotel bed. I slept awesome once I was back in my bed, it felt SO nice!
How am I feeling? I still feel great! I swear, if I didn't know I was pregnant, I probably wouldn't know it. It's great!
Best moment this week? I am going to get Logan's baby book tomorrow so I can start filling it out.
Movement? He is definitely moving now. He is most active at night when I am laying down.
Bellybutton? It's still an innie, but it's stretching.
Food cravings? I just got back from the grocery store: frosted animal cookies, rice cakes, caesar salad pitas, and cereal. Random, I know!
What I am looking forward to? Feeling him move throughout the day, and his kicks getting harder.
Milestones? The baby is probably close to a pound and very thin but very developed. The eyelids and eyebrows are now formed, and the brain begins rapid growth. If your baby is a boy, his testes have begun their descent from the pelvis to the scrotum.