


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Logan's ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

22 Weeks!

He is the size of a papaya!

How far along are you? 22 weeks
Total weight gain? 8 pounds
Sleep? We were out of town over the weekend, and I did not sleep very well in the hotel bed. I slept awesome once I was back in my bed, it felt SO nice!
How am I feeling? I still feel great! I swear, if I didn't know I was pregnant, I probably wouldn't know it. It's great!
Best moment this week? I am going to get Logan's baby book tomorrow so I can start filling it out.
Movement? He is definitely moving now. He is most active at night when I am laying down.
Bellybutton? It's still an innie, but it's stretching.
Food cravings? I just got back from the grocery store: frosted animal cookies, rice cakes, caesar salad pitas, and cereal. Random, I know!
What I am looking forward to? Feeling him move throughout the day, and his kicks getting harder.
Milestones? The baby is probably close to a pound and very thin but very developed. The eyelids and eyebrows are now formed, and the brain begins rapid growth. If your baby is a boy, his testes have begun their descent from the pelvis to the scrotum.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

21 Weeks! Great day = long post

He's the size of a banana this week, I think they are referring to how long he is, not the width. The picture says the average is 12.7 oz, but the ultrasound tech told us today that he was measuring right at one pound (16 oz.)! The ultrasound tech, said he was measuring at 22weeks and 1 day. Then she told us at this point he is a "big baby"!
How far along are you? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 8 pounds
Maternity clothes? Love them! I am starting to get a lot of comments, I guess people can tell I'm pregnant now.
Sleep? Sleep is still great, I am usually out by 9:30...9:45 the latest.
How am I feeling? I feel wonderful...no complaints!
Best moment this week? Where to start? Chris got to feel the baby for the first time Tuesday morning. Logan did a nice little kick when Chris had his hand on my tummy. Another great moment this week, was seeing him and getting new pictures. He was sleeping during the first ultrasound, so I had to drink some apple juice to wake him up. He finally woke up for the second ultrasound and decided to suck his thumb for the pictures. It was so cute!
Movement? I have been feeling him a lot more this week. It is such an amazing feeling to feel him kicking from the inside, but to feel it from the outside is even more amazing. Especially now that Chris can share this with me.
Food cravings? pumpkin! I got a decaf pumpkin latte from Starbucks this week that was so yummy! I also bought pumpkin pie!
What I am looking forward to? We are leaving Friday afternoon to go see my new nephew Daniel in Charleston. We are so excited to finally meet him!
Milestones? Your baby likely weighs about 300-400 grams (about 10-14 ozs.) and is about 18-20cm (about 7 inches) long. As you move into your 21st week of gestation, the baby's lungs are still growing. Bronchi and bronchioles enlarge and even early alveoli in your baby's lungs begin to form.
Studies show that your baby is actually able to distinguish taste in the fifth month!
Here are some pictures from today's ultrasound:
He is still a boy! Daddy was proud to see the "goods" again!

This is him looking straight at the screen. It's his head in the middle and his tummy to the left. You can see his eyes, nose, mouth, hands and tummy.

This is my favorite picture. It's his profile and he is sucking his thumb! Sweet Baby!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rough morning, but a great day after all

Chris and I both took off work today to go to our 20 week doctor's appointment and ultrasound that has been scheduled for a month. We got to the office and the nurse told us that they don't do ultrasounds on Friday, so we wouldn't be able to do it today. I, of course, am a little emotional, so of course I started crying. I was really looking forward to seeing Logan today and I was just disappointed. We had our normal appointment and everything was great. I had gained three pounds in the last month, so that puts my total at 8. I feel pretty good about that. We heard his heartbeat and Dr. Hirsch said everything was perfect. So, we are going back next Thursday to do the ultrasound.

After the doctor we went and registered at Babies R Us. I have been doing my homework by reading Consumer Reports, Baby Bargains book, and reading online reviews. I had a spreadsheet of everything we wanted to register for, and even with that we felt a little overwhelmed. It was a lot of fun, and it was cute watching Chris get excited over all the things for Logan.

Even though we were both exhausted we came home and finished working in Logan's room. Chris hung up the letters and shelves he had painted and I put up the decals on the wall. It is really starting to look like a nursery. We are both in love with the room and we can't wait until he is here to use it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

20 Weeks Belly Picture!

Logan's Room

Chris getting ready to put the crib together!

The crib and the bedding all set up!

This is my favorite piece. It's the dresser with the lighted hutch. This is where we will be changing little Logan!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Half Way There!!! 20 Weeks!

He is now the size of a cantaloupe!!!

How far am I? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I go Friday for my weigh in....I'm scared!
Maternity Clothes? I bought a few new shirts last week, still need to get a few more things. I feel like I am wearing the same things over and over again.
Sleep? I am sleeping pretty well at night, but still pretty tired in the afternoon.
How I'm feeling? I feel great still! I love being pregnant
Best moment this week? There were several great things, but the two biggest, were his furniture being delivered and seeing a picture of my new nephew, Daniel!
Movement? I am pretty sure I have been feeling him at night when I am laying on the couch or in bed. It's still pretty soft and light movements. I can't wait to feel the big movements.
Food Cravings? I have been craving nuts, cheese, and milk this week.
What I miss? nothing!
What am I looking forward to? Getting to see him Friday. We have our 20 week ultrasound appointment and we will have some new pictures! We are also going to register after the appointment. I have been doing my research and reading Consumer Reports and Baby Bargains, so I made an Excel sheet of everything we want to register for and the rating it got.
Milestones? Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Logan's room progress!

Chris and I spent the weekend painting Logan's room. The crown molding was a PAIN to paint, but we got it done! We got our crib this weekend, and we will be able to pick it up Monday. We also got our bedding set this weekend. I can't wait to get the crib so we can put it together and set the bedding up. Here are a few pictures of the room, crib and bedding.

19 Weeks! He's a mango!

How far along am I? 19 weeks
Total weight gain? 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? Of course! Didn't make it shopping this past weekend, but maybe this weekend
Sleep? I have been really sleepy this week. Luckily, I am able to fall asleep right away at night.
Best moment this week? Painting Logan's room, ordering his crib, and getting his bedding!
How I'm feeling? I feel great, just tired in the evening
Movement? I think I felt something the other day when I was laying down, but I'm still waiting to really feel something
Fetal doppler? I found his heartbeat really quickly on Saturday. It was 145 bpm
Food cravings? Anything hot (hot fries, hot Cheetos)
What I miss? still nothing :)
What I am looking forward to? Picking up Logan's crib on Monday and putting his bedding on!
Milestones? Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil, and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

18 Weeks...He's a sweet potato!

How far along are you? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Didn't weigh this week, but let's stick with last week's weight... up 5 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? I think I might go shopping this weekend for a few more things :)
Sleep? Sleep was great, but the past two nights I have been waking up at 2:00am again and not falling back asleep until about 4:00am
Best moment this week? Deciding and announcing his name!
How I'm feeling? Awesome! Probably the best I have ever felt. I told Chris the other night, I could stay pregnant forever if it stays like this! I have been going to the gym again and I think that helps, too.
Movement? I should start to feel "flutters" this week or next week.
Fetal Doppler? I actually didn't even try this week. Maybe this weekend
Food cravings? pineapple cups again.
What I miss? nothing yet :)
What I am looking forward to? I taped the chair rail and crown molding in his room yesterday and I am going to pick up the paint for it today. I am going to try to start painting this week, and hopefully do the top part of the walls this weekend. We are also going to look at baby furniture this weekend!
Milestones? Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to you, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that you'll soon be able to feel his movements.