


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Logan's ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sleepy Head

How cute it this? Chris and Pops have told me that Logan has fallen asleep in his jumper several times and I had yet to see it. Chris finally got a picture of it yesterday. Poor Baby! Playing so hard and then CrAsH! Time to sleep!

I also have to celebrate that Logan has slept through the night for two nights in a row!!! YAY!!! He has been waking up 2 and 3 times a night and the only way to get him back to sleep without hours of crying is to nurse him and it has been exhausting! So, we have been doing the happy dance at our house and I feel like a new woman this morning! Please say a little prayer that my sleepy head stays asleep all night again tonight!
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1 comment:

  1. I always see picures of babies falling asleep playing or eating and it has NEVER happened at this house. So freaking cute - I want my turn!

    Congrats on sleeping through the night. Did it continue after you wrote this? We are having similar sleep battles at our house right now.
