


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Logan's ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 27, 2010

We didn't have to dream

The dream of a white Christmas came true!  We couldn't have imagined of a better First Christmas for Logan.  We were able to spend time with our families, we had hours of fun playing with all the new toys, and to top it all off, it has been snowing for two days!! 
I think I could go on for hours about the past two days, and I have hundreds of pictures, but I'll keep it to my favorites!
Christmas Eve started with a yummy breakfast that Daddy cooked for us.  Then it was time for lunch and presents for the boys at Mimi and Pop's house.  To say Mimi and Pops spoiled the boys is quite the understatement.  They each got Radio Flyer wagons FILLED with goodies! 
"Who's a spoiled boy?"  "Me, Me!"

Our Family 2010
After unpacking and packing the wagons several times, we decided to head to church and let the boys nap on the way there.  Logan, had a short nap in the car, and got super cranky right before church.  Luckily, I got him back to sleep in my arms and he slept the ENTIRE hour of church, through all of the singing, clapping, and even through a screaming girl behind us.  He's such a good sleeper! After church, we headed back to Mimi's for more play time and dessert. 

Think someone's getting tired?

It was then time to head home to get ready for Santa! 
We put Logan in his new Christmas Eve pajamas, got the milk, carrots, cookies, and donuts ready for Santa.  Santa told me he wanted donuts, who knew?! 

Then it was off to bed for the babe, and Mommy and Daddy had a few things to take care of before hitting the sack. 
Christmas morning, we all woke up around 7:15 and crept downstairs to see if Santa had visited.  Just like we thought, Logan has been a really good boy and Santa left him some awesome surprises!
unpacking his stocking

My goldfish!  Keep your hands off!

This is the new Dance Star Mickey.  Can you tell he was amazed!  He couldn't believe Mickey was actually talking to him and dancing!

Daddy picked out Hokey Pokey Elmo!

I love my new chair!  It's so comfy!

Plus, it's fun to climb on!
Mimi and Pops came by for breakfast and to open their gifts.  Mimi made our favorite...Monkey Bread!  Logan got Pops a special gift to thank him for taking such good care of him while Mommy and Daddy are at work.  He got Pops a new laptop!  I think Pops was pretty excited!

After they left, we bundled up and headed out for a wagon ride in the snow.  It was really cold outside, but it was fun to ride and look at the snow.  Mommy had to get inventive, I didn't have gloves, so we improvised with socks!

Granddaddy and Ms. Barbara stopped by on their way home from Uncle Josh's house.  They actually got Logan his chair, but let Santa borrow it to put the stocking stuff on.  They also brought Logan this super cute book bag and a sippy and flashlight with his name on it.  Isn't it cute?

We went out one more time, but Logan wasn't too excited about the snow.  I tried to get him to touch it, but he wasn't very interested.  As you can see he was very serious!

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!  Now it's time to get ready for Logan's First Birthday Party!!!  I have some crazy tick inside me that makes me incapable of sleeping or sitting still until things are organized and cleaned.  Last year, I took Christmas down the day after because Logan was only a few weeks away and I knew I had to have the house ready.  This year, I just had an itch to organize toys, but I couldn't completely do that until the tree was down, SO....I spent last night taking down Christmas.  I got everything boxed up, bubble wrapped and hauled into the attic.  Whew!  It was a lot of work, but the house is back in order, toys are organized and now the party organizing can begin!  I can't wait!!!! 

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