


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 14, 2014

13 Weeks

How far along?  13 Weeks

How big is baby? A sweet peach!

Total weight gain/loss? Up 2 pounds....and so it begins.  It doesn't help that Logan wanted a milkshake on the way home from school today and my craving agreed. 

How am I feeling?  I'm feeling pretty good.  I"m still tired, but overall good. 
Gym Activity?  I haven't been as much as I hoped.  Logan is exhausted by the time we leave school and I feel bad putting him in the kids area right after being at school.  Once I get home and wait for Chris to get home, it's close to bath and bed time....so I need to figure something out. 
Maternity Clothes?   I am wearing a few things now, but still wearing mostly regular clothes.  I forgot how much I love maternity clothes.  Now I just need the weather to cool off and my tummy to grow and I can wear all of my cute stuff. 

Stretch Marks? none yet

Sleep?  Still no naps, but I have had to come home and just lay down for about an hour a few days.  This whole growing a human thing is pretty exhausting!

Best moment this week? I made our pregnancy announcement on Facebook this past week and I announced to my work this week.  It's so fun to tell people and see their excitement!   

Movement? Still haven't felt this little one move yet, but my guess is about 2 or 3 more weeks.

Food Cravings/Aversions?  I still love waffles and I'm loving strawberry milk in the morning.  I had a craving for a veggie and hummus pita sandwich this week that was pretty good.  I made turkey burgers and ate half of one for dinner.  I brought another one for lunch the next day, but ended up throwing it away.  Meat just isn't really my thing right now. 

Gender?   While I am secretly dying inside to know, I am staying very cool and counting the days until we get the news.  I usually would be impatiently waiting for the doctor to call, but since I know we will be waiting until the reveal on the 24th, I'm okay with it taking it's time. I'm thinking boy, Logan says he is only having a brother, and I always refer to the baby as a he.  Is it just because that's all I know, or is it mother's intuition?  We will see! 

Labor signs? Too early

Belly Button? Too early for this, too.

What I miss?  This doesn't really have to do with pregnancy, but I miss the summer when Logan and I could take 2 hour naps together.  I'm tired...did I say that?

What I'm looking forward to?  The gender reveal of course.  I feel like once I know, I will be able to really start looking for bedding, find a paint color, get Daddy going on the nursery, and get things ready for this baby.  I know we have like 6 months, but that's really not that much time!

Milestones/Development: Can you believe she's forming vocal cords and teeth?! And even though she's still teeny, she already has fingerprints.  Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy.

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